A Call NOT to Judge

So maybe, rather than worrying about Sally, maybe we should help her.  Or Joe.  Or Jane.  Or someone whose name you don’t even know yet.  Maybe you’ll be the one to change their entire world.  And maybe you won’t even know it.

Trust Like A Toddler

I wasn’t enough.  But I was never supposed to be.  I was supposed to reach my arms up to my heavenly Father, and trust that He had me.  Because He does have me.  All day, every day, even when I feel like an abysmal failure.

Just a Smile

I believe it’s because, in a way,  he gave us everything he had.  He gave his time to those who wanted a friendly ear.  He had a smile for everyone who passed by.  He gave it all.


I don’t think that you can ever fully choose your own family. I believe that we are given certain people as family. For better or for worse.

One of the Lucky Ones

Those people that pass through your life and go on their merry way?  They are a part of your journey.  But those ones that impact your heart for the rest of your life?  What a glorious gift. 

Shout It Out

There is no embarrassment in showing love or respect to those around you.  And you may not even know the most important memory they have of you.  They may remember something else.  It may be a huge turning point in your life that they didn’t even know they played a role in.  And it may just need to be what they need to hear right now.

My Cup Runneth Over

I have decided today to actively look for my blessings. I have heard over and over the belief of many that what you look for is the only thing you will see. For example, if you are certain the world is out to get you, you can easily fill your days seeing nothing but that. So, it follows that if you spend your day looking for the good things, you will see nothing but that. It’s certainly worth a try. What’s the worst that can happen? You have too many blessings to count so the floors won’t be swept. I’m up for that!

The Least of These

I pray that we would let go of the images we have built up of ourselves. Whether they are good or bad, I can promise they are not how God sees us. I pray that we would set that down and follow where He leads us. And that we would know that wherever He leads us will be so much better than we could ever imagine for ourselves.

Nothing Stands Between Us

There is nothing that anyone on earth has ever done to lessen God’s steadfast love. Ever. No matter how bad you think it is.

Spread the Love!

It feels as though the whole world is a little less friendly these days.  As all the groups are protesting all the other groups, and as all the politicians bash the other politicians, it’s so easy to get wrapped up in spreading it around.  One little click of a button, and you can feel as…