The Gift of Time

This phrase brings two images into my mind every time I hear it.  One of them is that each day is a gift.  It may not always feel like the best gift, you may even wonder where the receipt is so you could exchange it.  Maybe you could get a day at the beach instead?!?

The other is that each person’s time is valuable.  And where they spend that time says a lot about who they are.  You see, I believe you invest yourself in what matters to you the most.  And the more personal the investment, the more time you spend and the more you give of yourself.
Take my husband for example.  He is a hardworking businessman.  He spends the majority of his time working.  Even when he’s at home, he doesn’t get to stop.  He is working hard to make a good living for his family.  He sacrifices time working for his family.  He misses out on dinners because that’s when is most convenient for our clients.  He doesn’t make them feel bad that he will be reheating his plate when he gets home, he just does the job.  He invests his time making sure our needs are met.  And he is an amazing example to our children of what happens when you work hard making an honest living.  And I know he’s not the only parent out there making that sacrifice.
As a result, I get to be a stay at home Mom. We have three beautiful kids that I get homeschool.  And my time is used for family and friends.  I invest time in our business (I do the books), and the rest of my day is school, housework, and life.  I have discovered that even though I don’t necessarily have a lot of spare time on my hands, I can do small things for other people.

I have a collection of inspirational photos saved on my phone that I use to send to friends who are needing a little pick me up.  It gives them a positive thought (just a little something), and they know that someone is thinking of them.  That they are not alone in whatever they are facing.
I can deliver a meal to a friend who might just not be thinking about dinner today.  Maybe they are a new Mom, maybe they’ve just lost their Mom.  Either way I can deliver a meal from my heart to their home.
We have taken days to bake and deliver treats to local RCMP or firefighters.  We are a small town, so most of our fire department is volunteer.  I never want to take for granted that these men and women put their lives on the line for others.  That’s a pretty big deal to me.  And we’ve decided as a family that any time we hear a siren, we will pray for the attendants, and the victims.  I figure that we can never do anything better than God, so we should always start there.
So what are your doing with the gift of time you have been given today?  And how can you do small things in love today?
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for the gift of today.  I woke up this morning to 3 beautiful, healthy children.  My husband has a job.  And my extended family is healthy.  I really can’t ask for much more than that.  So thank you Lord, for all you have already done in my life.  And help me to see those around me that are there for a reason.  Help me to hear your call to spend that time with them Lord, and to see it as a blessing, not an interruption.  Amen.
If you have a prayer request, please leave a message in the comments.  I would love to lift you up in prayer today.
Blessings.  đź™‚  

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